It's Grumpy Grandad Time!
Having a middle aged moan isn’t strictly true. I’ve always found something to moan about in life, regardless of my age. I remember aged 9 or 10 writing a letter to Shoot magazine droning on about how manufacturers logos had ruined football kits. I’ve kind of accepted that having a moan has unfortunately become part of me now. I’m too old to change. Obviously, I’ve always got a solution to whatever I’m complaining about.
The decisions made by FIFA, the price of a pint, Brexit, speed bumps…………I’ll have a moan about anything.
There’s a few links below to my current gripes and a little example below that….plus my hero in action below that.
Speed Bumps
Speed bumps have no consistency. By consistency I mean in the way that they present themselves to the driver. I’m all for road safety and get why these things are around, but there’s also some issues here.
There’s a run of these so called sleeping policemen at the top of the street where I live. From start to finish of this run there’s barely two out of a dozen that are structurally identical meaning a differing level of impact on the vehicle at different bumps.
This is fine for me. I’m local and worked out which bumps to drive slower over than others (the one after the beer off is a real bugger) but those not local will get caught out.
Speaking of not being local, another gripe of mine with these bumps is poor markings. If you don’t know the area that you’re driving in you can get caught out easily. A damaged bumper (or “fender” as you say over the pond) all because the council won’t pay a few quid out to repaint the bump. Ban the bump!

Speed Bumps
Speed bumps have no consistency. By consistency I mean in the way that they present themselves to the driver. I’m all for road safety and get why these things are around, but there’s issues.
There’s a run of these so called sleeping policemen at the top of the street where I live. From start to finish of this run there’s barely two out of a dozen that are structurally identical meaning a differing level of impact on the vehicle at different bumps.
This is fine for me. I’m local and worked out which bumps to drive slower over than others (the after the beer off is a bugger) but those not local will get caught out. Vehicles are being damaged. Ban the bump!
Speaking of not being local, another gripe of mine with these bumps is poor markings. If you don’t know the area that you’re driving in you can get caught out easily. A damaged bumper (or “fender” as you dudes from over the pond say) all because the council won’t pay to repaint the bump.
Ban the bump!